Help New Jersey's community cats
Ask New Jersey state legislators to support bills A. 2275 and S. 179.
Support community cat programs in New Jersey! If enacted, new legislation would fund local TNR efforts throughout the state, giving thousands of New Jersey residents access to a lifesaving and community-minded solution for at-risk cats.
Trap-neuter-return (TNR, also known as trap-neuter-vaccinate-return or TNVR) is an animal-friendly, veterinarian-approved, and cost-effective method for keeping unowned cats safe and healthy while reducing their numbers over time.
Programs that utilize TNR are proven to benefit people and pets alike in the communities where they are implemented.
TAKE ACTION: Show lawmakers in New Jersey that these bills (A. 2275 and S. 179) are widely supported across the state. Send a customized message to your state legislators now.