Save cats in Johnston County!

Urge county leaders to support community cat programming ahead of next meeting (March 18).
Johnston County Animal Services has the second-highest euthanasia rate for dogs and cats in North Carolina.
Best Friends has offered resources to help expand the shelter's lifesaving capabilities (including funding), but county leaders still need to accept.
Johnston County residents deserve a no-kill community where all dogs and cats can be safe and healthy — a community cat program will help make that a reality!
Community cat programs utilize trap-neuter-vaccinate-return (TNVR) to humanely reduce unowned cat populations. The process is simple: community cats are humanely trapped, evaluated by veterinarians, vaccinated, spayed or neutered, ear-tipped, and returned to their outdoor homes, unable to have kittens.
TAKE ACTION: Urge Johnston County leaders to support community cat programming ahead of their next commission meeting. Send your personalized message now.