Robert H. Wilder Jr. and Susan P. Wilder Veterinary Clinic
Though the clinic was designed primarily for the pets in our care and those in the care of our shelter partners, we do offer weekly community vaccine and microchip clinics on Wednesdays from 9 am to 12:30 p.m. Pre-registration is appreciated. To set up your vaccine or microchip appointment, click here.
If your pet was adopted from Best Friends, or has had medical treatment through Best Friends in NWA, you can access your pet's medical records by clicking here.
Check back for information about wellness and spay/neuter services for income-qualifying community members, which will be made available at a later date.
Vaccine and microchip clinics
Best Friends holds regular vaccine and microchip events at our veterinary clinic.
*Pet Care NavigatorTM is a program of NWA PAW, a voluntary association of nonprofit organizations and government animal shelters working toward achieving the mission.