Volunteer and save the lives of pets in Northwest Arkansas
There are so many ways to help here in our pet resource center and in the Northwest Arkansas community at large, including caring for cats in our adoption center, fostering pets in your home, transporting local pets to and from vet appointments, or transporting animals to receiving shelters in other regions that can provide them a greater chance of adoption.
Volunteers in Northwest Arkansas also help with community vaccine and microchip events and support trap-neuter-vaccinate-return (TNVR) efforts to care for local community cats. For animals in Arkansas, your kindness makes all the difference.
If you’ve volunteered with Best Friends before, you probably have a volunteer profile in our volunteer portal already. If you need help reactivating your account (inactive profiles are deactivated after six months), please email volunteernwa@bestfriends.org for assistance.

Volunteer at the pet resource center
We're always looking for volunteers to help in a variety of ways here at the center.

Off-site volunteer opportunities
There are plenty of ways to help if you’d like to get involved with community events and outreach or transport pets to regions of the country where they’ll have a better chance of finding a home.

Visit our volunteer maker space
The Rachael Ray Foundation Volunteer Bridge features drop-in opportunities for guests to volunteer making enrichment toys, blankets, sweaters, cat cozies, community cat houses, and more.