Become a Member of Best Friends
When you become a member of Best Friends, you'll help save the lives of pets in shelters all across the nation.
Your membership gift goes to work immediately to help animals at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary get the medical and emotional care they need. You'll also be supporting no-kill initiatives in Los Angeles, Utah, New York City, Atlanta, Houston and Northwest Arkansas that are designed to spread around the nation.
Membership gifts like yours also help to end breed-specific legislation that takes good dogs away from loving families, stop puppy mills and keep community cats safe and out of shelters through TNVR (trap-neuter-vaccinate-return) programs.
The animals benefit from membership — and so do you
Your membership gift ensures that homeless pets get the love and care they need.
Ready to become a member?
You can also become a member by phone (435-644-2001 ext. 4801) or mail (Best Friends Animal Society 5001 Angel Canyon Road Kanab, Utah 84741).
Looking for more information about membership?
Contact our donor services team to get help managing your giving and communication preferences, and get answers to common questions.