Partnering to save the lives of pets
We know you do, too, which is why we feel right at home in Northwest Arkansas. And working together, we can save the lives of pets in Arkansas and around the country.
In that collaborative spirit and to Save Them All in Arkansas, Best Friends formed the Northwest Arkansas Partnership for Animal Welfare (NWA PAW) in 2018, a coalition of dozens of shelters and rescue groups across the region working together to save lives. Best Friends has distributed more than $100,000 in lifesaving grants to coalition members saving the lives of cats and dogs in the region.
Thank you to the members of the Northwest Arkansas Partnership for Animal Welfare for their dedication to lifesaving:
Animal League of Washington County
Friends of Prairie Grove Pound
MAK German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue
NW Arkansas Animal Rescue, Inc.
Northwest Arkansas Community Cat Project
NWA Bully Haven Rescue
Taysia Blue Husky & Malamute Rescue
NWA PAW supporters
Bobcat Fever Project
Nurture Northwest Arkansas
Find a Best Friends Network partner near you
The Best Friends Network is made up of thousands of public and private shelters, rescue groups, spay/neuter organizations and other animal welfare groups, all working to save the lives of dogs and cats in communities like yours across the country.
Each and every one of our network partners needs caring people like you to adopt, foster, donate, volunteer and advocate to help save the lives of pets where you live.